Friday, 23 November 2012

Update on what the heck is going on lately


Well for starters it has been a bit of a roller coaster ride to be honest, not many good things have been my way lately. And I will be honest, I feel like crap, cos things have been popping up here, there and everywhere and it confuses the hell out of me.. 

But one good thing has happened I am a Directioner ha-ha that is awesome or what? if you don't know what that is, ever heard of One Direction? right it's what they call their fans and I am happy to call myself a fellow Directioner so that's where the name comes from. I will not tolerate comments that involve abuse thrown at me,  you will get a yelling at or be blocked  I warn you only once.. 

I have started riding at college again finally!! I love horse riding it keeps me calm and in such a peaceful mood.. Don't know why though, I hate lunging for certain reasons.. 

I haven't been going to church for about 3 or 4 weeks cos I'm afraid to go now lol, I don't know why just happens I suppose it's cos I don't wanna get in trouble with missionaries or the bishop. 

I am hopefully going to force myself this week, I want to don't have courage to go though... I need a yelling at by someone so if you want to. Thats fine I give permission for you to do so, missionaries please do.. it would be fun if you could actually do that... 

anyway just a quick one this time so sorry gotta lot to do... 

follow me 

I do follow back and I am mostly on there at the moment I'm what they call twitaddicted lol ha-ha... 

over and out xx