Wednesday, 30 November 2011

About the Book of Mormon and church


Yep me again ha ha, I was reading My Book Of Mormon last night and I finally finished the second book of Nephi and I am now on the book of Jacob, which is really good and one thing that I love about the Book of Mormon is that before I read I pray to understand the scriptures that I read and when I start reading I feel the comfort and guidance of the holy spirit even though I've not been baptized yet I still feel him there to give me courage, love and guidance. 

When I read the holy bible as-well it's the same feeling and I love it :),  and ever since I've been going to church I've become more confident and some what more happier which is the best feeling but also when I'm at church and after the woman's relief society is finished I don't know why but I've been getting really anxious and then I either shake really bad or end up in tears which is one of the strangest feelings lol.... I don't understand why it's strange and I don't really understand it, if you have any ideas of what this feeling is then please let me know.... I am going to bear my testimony again on Sunday and I am going to talk about my disability that I have and to let people know how I didn't like telling people but now I have come to tell people without being shy about it and the help I've received  from heavenly father and the holy ghost and the Elders on facebook and the Elders at church it's been amazing.

And I am a lot more confident and more happy and I can't wait to be baptized into the church of Jesus christ of latter day saints... 

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